God desires that MVC be known as a “House of Prayer for all the Nations” —a habitation for His presence and glory that transcends the walls of our Church. Our passion is to be that place, that “house of prayer for all the nations.”

Upcoming Events

Continuing Learning Opportunities in Prayer
Everyone is welcome no matter where are in your prayer journey.

Training to Joining the Prayer Team
Join a 10 week prayer discipleship triad (there will be homework and practical experiences) – this takes you through practical ministry training and, if you desire, prepares you to join the prayer team.

2024 is the year to learn how God speaks.  Only an act of the will is required.  During Sunday Morning Prayer (SMP) at Main Campus (7:30am and 9:30am), upstairs in the youth room, we will be learning and activating the 12 receptors that God uses to communicate with us.  Together we want to learn to prophesy God’s encouraging words over the body of Christ and the pre-Christian.  This training is for anyone who wants to learn and become aware of how God is already speaking.  No experience needed.  You will also get an opportunity to work on or observe Mountain View’s prophetic teams.

Watch for text messages or emails from Pastor Esther regarding specific dates for upcoming trainings.  If you’d like to be included in her communications list, email Esther at eleonard@mountainview.org.  God loves to empower you if you are available. If you have time, please brush up on your past lessons and continue to apply yourself to developing the gift of prophecy which is already in you.

Sunday morning trainings will start in February 2024.

Our upcoming Prophetic Trainings will be:

  • Prophetic Training Sundays @ 7:30am & 9:00am – August 11, August 25, September 1, September 29, October 13, October 27, November 10
  • Prophetic ConferenceSaturday, November 16, 2024

Check calendar of events for updates.

Weekly Corporate Prayer Meetings


Sunday Morning Prayer

Offers opportunities for growth and encouragement and is a place to exercise spiritual gifts that build up the Church.
Main Campus at 7:30am & 9:30am
Sunnyside at 8:15am
East at 9:15am


Missions Prayer at 6:15am-7:00am
Focuses on praying for our assets and global issues.
Location: Guest Hub at Main Campus


Local Outreach Prayer from 6:30-7:15am
Focuses on praying for our local community and outreach.
Location: Guest Hub at Main Campus

Women’s Prayer from 9:00-9:30am
Focuses on praying for the prayer requests of our Church family.
Location: Kids Church Room at Main Campus

The Prayer Room at MVC is available during church hours. Do you ever need help knowing what to pray for? The Prayer Room is full of visual prompts designed to help you pray with insight and clarity. Prompts include:

  • Each ministry represented at Mountain View
  • Seasonal themes throughout the year
  • Prayer Requests and praise reports
  • Financial updates
  • Salvation board for unsaved loved ones
  • A world map and info about our missionaries

You may visit on your own or with others. Please call the church office during office hours (M-Th, 8:30am–4:30pm) at 291-9199 for the door code.

Prayer Ushers are simply men and women who have committed themselves to faithfully pray with and for the church each week. They are available at the front of the auditorium during worship and after every service at MVC. They are ready to not only pray with you, but also to help you understand salvation, the baptism of the Holy Spirit, and finding freedom over sin.  They offer healing prayer and deliverance prayer, and will listen to the Lord on your behalf.

There are two different kinds of commitments that prayer team members make. They either commit to prayer ushering or being active observers.
Prayer Usher – A person who has completed a Basic Training Triad (and understands how to apply most of its content), attends a weekly corporate prayer meeting on a regular basis ( 2-3 times a month) and regularly prayers on the Sunday morning prayer team. They have committed themselves to attend prayer trainings, as their schedule permits, and they continue to be learners in prayer. Ideally, they lead a Basic Training Triad once every 18 month – this is the easiest way to stay trained. They are members of MVC, and have submitted themselves to be accountable to the Pastors. Consequently they are privileged to baptize people, as they serve humbly and in unity with the rest of the team. They make up a valuable part of the Church’s leadership structure. Since prayer ministry is the privilege of the committed and not the right of the gifted, anyone who is committed, can be on the prayer usher team. We train as we go, since hands on ministry is the only way to develop into an effective prayer usher. New prayer ushers are connected with seasoned prayer ushers for as long as it takes for them to feel comfortable and be effective in their role.
Active Observer – A person that is currently going through a Basic Training Triad and has agreed to participate as an observer on the prayer team during the services. They can participate in the Sunday prayer encounters as much as they desire while remaining under the leadership of the prayer usher they are praying beside. They should be open to feedback and correction as needed.
Or an Active Observer can be a person who has finished Basic Training but chooses not to attend a weekly corporate prayer meeting on a regular basis (2-3 times a month). This person is available during special response services (Prophetic Blessings, Healing Services, Baptism of Holy Spirit Services…) but takes a back seat as an observer/helper and not as a verbal participant. They scribe during prophetic blessings, help during the healing services by getting supplies…) An Active Observer is also accountable to the Church’s leadership but doesn’t need to be a member of MVC. This person can move into a prayer usher role after they discuss it with Esther and desire to embrace the commitments outlined for the prayer ushers.
If you are interested in committing yourself to prayer ushering or becoming and active observer, please contact Esther Leonard for more information.

Ways to Get Involved

Pastor Fred’s Intercessory Prayer Team

Pastor Fred has a team of 7-10 men and women that fast and pray for him every day of the week. The team serves for 3 months at a time and the commitment involves fasting and praying on the same day every week. If you would like to get involved or would like further information about this team please email Esther.

Pastor’s Intercessory Prayer Team

This team prays for our pastoral team and is on a weekly rotation, praying and fasting for our Pastors daily. A new team is formed every 3 months.

Freedom Prayer Appointments

If you are feeling stuck in your relationship with God or want to find freedom from your past, call the church office and make a one hour appointment. You will meet with 2-3 people who will coach you through an encounter that will connect you to Jesus and help you find healing and deliverance. 

Praying for All Nations

Adopt a country to pray for, for six months. Sign ups take place during our semi-annual “Live The Mission” weekends. Together we are becoming a “House of Prayer for ALL the Nations”.

Prayer Teams

Serve on the Sunday Morning Prayer Team, Food & Clothing Prayer Team , Home Visits Team, or the our “Freedom Prayer” team. Prayer team involvement is the privilege of the committed not the right of the gifted. Everyone is invited to commit to learning to minister to people through prayer.

Basic Training Triad

This 10 week prayer mentoring program helps you grow in your intimate conversational relationship with God.  It also teaches you basic ministry skills needed to disciple others.  Weekly mentoring, study and hands on ministry experiences will teach you how to live as a radical, Holy Spirit empowered follower of Jesus Christ. New triads (groups of 3 people) start throughout the year. Meeting times are flexible depending on the people in the triad.  Call the office if you are interested.

Equipping Workshops

Workshops are held at various times throughout the year. Salvation, healing, prophecy, spiritual gifts, listening, repentance, spiritual warfare, and the baptism of the Holy Spirit are a just a few of the topics taught.

Workshops are offered Thursday nights from 7pm-9pm or Saturday from 9am-11am at the Main Campus.  Both weekday and weekend workshops cover the same material so you can pick the one that fits your schedule.

Prayer Studies

Throughout the year prayer studies are offered through Life Groups and through Prayer Meetings. MVC believes that prayer is best learned by doing. Incorporating the principles of prayer into prayer meetings is our desire.

Prayer Prompts

Below are prayer prompts that help you spend time with God.

Prayer Request

Submit a prayer request to have someone pray for you.

  • (If you'd like someone to connect with you, please be sure to leave your email address and/or phone number.)