Summer Mission Trip 2022, South Dakota

Where: Rapid City, South Dakota When: July 9th-16th The Mission: Assist Renewal MB Church with running a VBS and local community projects. Traveling details: Will fly out of Fresno Yosemite on July 9th. Meet at airport at 8:30am. Arrive in Denver, Colorado at 2pm. Load up vans and drive 7 hours to Rapid City, SD.…

Block Party (August 11, 2022)

Claremont Ave & Beck Ave, Fresno, CA 36.739121, -119.688243

It's time to meet the neighbors!  We'll be heading into the neighborhoods around our church campuses this summer to bless our neighbors with food, games, music, and more. We also want to invite them into the Mountain View Church community. If you would like to volunteer or attend one of your summer block parties, please…